Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 40: Radha finally believes


Chapter 40: Radha finally believes


Radha nodded her head and looked at Chandu as he spoke further answering her previous question.


Well then that makes things easy.


The thing is the god I worshipped has given me a 10 years worth of time when the world’s evolution just started.


After that 10 years I will be vanished on the spot and be reborn again.


I will not possess all my memories when I have reborn again but my memories and knowledge will come back to me after I go through the awakening process again.


To be precise I am your brother that same one from the past 18 years, but now I got the memories of my past self after being awakened today.


Well there is a little difference.


From the past 18 years I was a naive self like in my past life that is impulsive and quick to make some decisions.


Now that I have awakened my past life memories which contain all of my experience which made me calmed down.


That is the reason why you think that I am different and not your brother.


Also there is one more thing I wanted to tell you.


Me, your brother already knows that we are completely not related by blood and with that barrier gone I have truly liked your.


But he never had courage to tell you this and was planning to awaken a good talent and then tell you after he became strong.


After awakening my memories, these thoughts of my past self seems to be naive for some reason.


Also there is one more important thing that I should mention to you that is my best friend Alex is not what he seems to be.


He is the reason why you are kidnapped today and I only found out after reading the memories of all these criminals.


Also the store where you are working is not a good place.


That store manager of yours is actually coveting you and also reporting to Henry from the Gris family in my class.


Thinking all of these things I was so frustrated that how can my past self be so stupid that the things around are so grim and I was still thinking of some happy future like a fool.




Fortunately nothing has happened to you and I was fast enough to use my previous preparations to save you in time.


Radha showed many expressions as Chandu spoke of many things but did not interrupt him while he spoke.


Chandu looked at her and asked.


“You still don't believe that I am your brother right?”


Radha did not speak but turned her head to the side afraid of looking at the eyes of Chandu.


But Chandu’s next words made her look at him again.


“You know that I can make an oath on the god I worship so that I can prove what I said is true right.


You know that making an oath on the god and lying can cause divine punishment to lose the skill and will never be able to level up in the future right.”


Well in most of the cases outside the big people would not give their oath lightly because of this problem.


So Chandu simply spoke and took the oath that finally relieved Radha from her previous confused state.


She finally believed that Chandu is really Vicky her brother.


Then she remembered another thing that is her brother always like her and Chandu was bold enough to say that straight to her.


Her face turned red thinking of these things.


As if knowing what she was thinking Chandu smiled and said.


“I love you Radha.”


She did not listen at first because she was thinking something else.


But then Chandu repeated the words again.


“I love you Radha.”


This time she listened and her body trembled a little.


She did not dare to look at Chandu as her face was blushed till her ears making her look like an apple.


Chandu smiled and started to open the food packets for them to eat.


Chandu don't want to pull and push the matters in a cut throat way as he is enjoying the feeling of slowly fall in love and move like this.


Everything will be sorted in the future slowly revealing the true feeling over time.


So there is no rush.


Right now the most important thing is to see if he can make that protagonist Alex understand what he messed with this time.


Also that Henry from the Gris family also crossed the line.


Chandu wanted to plan some good things for them.


In the mean time Chandu want to roll in the feelings of love with Radha and the other heroin Yuri.


Based on Chandu’s understanding this girl seems to be from a mysterious background and also hard to get.


Most probably she will be just a heroine on surface that hero can never get....


Well Chandu cannot just speculate as he has to slowly understand the flow process to know what is actually happening.


Chandu was not anxious at all instead he was like a good old man waiting for the play to turn out fine in his direction.


For now he has Radha and he will cultivate feelings here.


Chandu has restrained himself in the past life because of the heavy work schedule with a very little time to think.


But the current situation is completely different.


This is the time to use his obtained forces with a little caution to all the things he wanted


As long as he is strong enough he did not have to bow down his head to any king and become a true conqueror that cannot be restrained by anyone.


Thinking of many things looking at the peaceful surroundings Radha and Chandu ate their packed lunch.


“You don't have to work anymore as I have plenty of money.


Also I don't want my woman to be weak so I will train you from now on....”

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