Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 34: Side Character


Chapter 34: Side Character


He can get his inheritance a little later after solving the issue with his sister.


Since this sister Radha is not related by blood to Chandu he doesn’t want to treat her as sister, instead he wanted her to be his woman.


For that he has to make things a little clear for her and make her know that she don't have to work and Chandu can protect her.


Since the awakening ceremony is over Chandu came out slowly with a bright smile.


The teacher of his class asked


“Vikram which god did you worship?


What skill that you gained?”


Chandu don't know when but the system of education has changed where the people have to report their gods and the skills they acquired in order to get them ranked and categorised for the future studies.


Other than that every student that wanted to study further should register to under the awakening process at a specific time of the year.


After awakening process all the registered people will have to reach certain standards within a month and then participate in the written and the physical exam.


This way they can enter into the higher level academies.


The highest is the royal academy in the capital.......


Well even with all this development no one can see other person’s status.


Only level can be measured through special means.


Thinking of all of this Chandu answered as casual.


“Sir I have obtained quick learning skill and worshiped the god of wisdom lord Brahma.”


The information was recorded and Chandu has already registered for the higher studies entrance exam like all the other students in the class.


So his information was recorded and he was given a special token.


After a month Chandu has to participate in the written and physical examination at the school.


Till then the school will give them preparation holidays.


After the formal procedures Chandu was told that he can go home and return when the exams start after a month.


Chandu did not any friends and he is not in the camp of the hero or the villain.


He is just a neutral side character that would become the support character for the hero in the future.


Or if his sister becomes the hostage of the villain then he will become the side character that supports the villain.


All in all Chandu is just a side character of the lowest level.


Just this thought has infuriated Chandu because as a powerful master with powerful skills he also has his own arrogance.


When they told him that he can go home Chandu did not leave instead he moved around a little as if waiting to see what kinds of skills, other people have obtained.


Also Chandu was curious about the god that can give this finder skill.


But he knows that the initial skill that some people receive when they turn 18 years old without worshipping a god indicates that they themselves have the potential to become a god.


This skill is their symbol of godhood.


This is what Chandu found after searching many records through the 10 years preparation time.


While observing Chandu stole the smart devices called the magic cipher that is the smart phones of this magic world.


Their bank accounts were all linked to these devices.


Chandu took the phones from those wealthy people on the villain’s side with his pick pocket skill related to thief skill set that he previously obtained.


They were stored in the storage space cutting of all connections with the real world.


This way there will not be any tracking for the time being.


He did not go back to home instead he went to a magic net cafe.


The first thing that he did is to choose a corner which did not show what is appearing on his screen.


Well there is always this kind of corners for the special service where people used to see some AV in secret.


There he started to type various series of codes one after the other and after 5 minutes the little thief has became active.


At the same time it has created hundreds of springboards for Chandu to move and step directly into the communications and surveillance channels.


He first tried to look at the situation of his sister.


Since he has a little bad premonition he checked on her current situation.


Soon in the surveillance he was able to see a beautiful person that is doing some part time job at a small super market.


She has a long hair and a great shaped body and for the other features the surveillance camera was not that helpful.


The store manager and some of the employees were looking at her with their lustful gazes as if they would eat her whole without spitting out the bones.


But they did not dare to make a move for some reason.


Most probably this is caused by Henry giving warning or something like that.


Chandu let the monitoring screen play at the side and started to make money.


First of all he has positioned all the phone number location signals of the phones that he stole just now at their respective homes.


Then he transferred all the cash to the account of Henry so that other people could not voice out their problem even if they found out their money is gone.


After transferring all the money to Henry’s account Chandu checked his sister’s situation for a moment.


Then he changed the fundamental tracking and details of the phone of Henry and rearranged some things quickly.


After that he finally made another check on his sister and left the magic net cafe.


He went to a flea market nearby and bought a cloak.


Well while buying his face is same as that of Henry.


He used the shape shifting skill mimic the face of Henry.


Then he went to an ATM centre where there are large numbers of ATM’s to draw the money.


Well he cannot withdraw all the money in a single ATM as the amount of money in it is very large.


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