Monday, July 4, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 26: Mysterious Multi colored crystal ball


Chapter 26: Mysterious Multi colored crystal ball


This is what he understood during the process of climbing these 1000 steps.


Now he is thinking of a way to get over his exhaustion.


The finder skill is useless here except for telling the general direction.


It is not that the skill itself is useless but the skill is not high levelled enough to give out a way for Chandu.


Chandu in order to survive and do the work efficiently has created a all purpose thinking process called the conditional thinking.


It can work in any condition and let him solve his problems.


Right now his current problem is the invisible pressure that is acting on his body, mind and soul.


So the first condition he has to know is what this pressure is.


Chandu started to feel up the pressure using his magic energy.


It felt like this is pressure acting on his very being but the pressure is not a real force but something strange.


Like it wanted to invade his body.....


Chandu did not understand much but he has decided to stop his resistance and let the pressure pass through.


To be more precise he wanted to absorb the very pressure that is acting on him.


As the science he studied stated, some of the laws of energy cannot be altered even if the energy itself is altered.


So even if the energy here is magic it is still energy.


Since the constitution of the body has changed maybe he can try.


He doesn’t want to be lowly and abandoned person that cannot do anything.


So it is either die or gets the greatness there is only one path.


Just when Chandu let the pressure inside his body stopping all of his resistance, he felt like he was being crushed by a huge thing.


But what he stopped is resistance and instead used the acceptance of this pressure before it could crush him.


Right in the next moment he felt that something chaotic has entered his body, mind and soul at the same time.


It is practically creating havoc in his body mind and soul.


Instead of resistance of this destruction Chandu started to act a way that might make him adaptable to this strange pressure.


Soon after his body, mind and soul started to go through torment that cannot be explained by normal words.


It was as if his body, mind and soul were pierced by hundreds of needles where some are melting hot, some are freezing cold, some or extremely corrosive.........


This torment went on for a long time and through the entire time Chandu gritted his teeth so as to not to lose his consciousness.


 He felt that if he lost his consciousness now then he would most probably fail to worship a god and becomes a waste that can never use magic.


This has happened to many people that have messed up the trail of worshipping a god.


These people have become ordinary people that can never use magic in their entire life.


These people are the lowest of the society that working class.


They would not enter the military instead they would do all kinds of odd jobs like farming, mechanics...........


Time passed by second by second.........


Well at least for Chandu.


Finally his persistence paid off letting him absorb this strange pressure.


The pain slowly receded and his body seems to become stronger slowly.


His exhaustion is gone and his vitality returned.


He slowly stood up and felt that the magic energy inside his body, mind and soul became even stronger.


Finally he felt that his entire being is changed.


Chandu started to climb the stairs again.


He felt the pressure again but not that great.


He absorbed this pressure and moved forward.


The more he climbed the more he felt like becoming stronger.


He doesn’t know how long he climbed and the finder skill still pointed upwards......


Finally at a countless step Chandu was able to reach the end of the steps.


There is a single normal room that looked more rundown than any other room.


At the centre of the room there is only a dull ball of light that seems to be covered in dust that covered its lustre.


Chandu came near it and the finder skill also pointed to the dust covered crystal ball at the end of the room.


The pressure in the room is a few hundred times stronger and just stepping in this room has taken several minutes to hours.


Each step is like that towards the crystal ball.


But Chandu did not feel exhausted instead the closure he came to the crystal ball the stronger he felt.


Finally after who knows how many days he stood in front of the crystal ball.


At that moment the dust covering the crystal ball blew off revealing many colours from the 7 rainbow colours, black and white and many of their combinations forming a strange harmony within the crystal ball.


Chandu lost in thought looking at the beauty of the crystal ball.


Before he could move to touch the crystal ball it floated and shot towards his head.


Well it did not hit his head by went to the top of his head and buried down from the point where Sahasrara chakra should be present.


It turned into a strange liquid that passed through all the Nadis along with the other chakras finally reaching the Muladhara chakra.


During all this time Chandu’s body shivered and trembled but was fixed on the spot.


He felt that all of his body, mind and soul were tearing apart to the lowest cellular and molecular level.


He blanked out but he still persisted from losing his consciousness.


Finally after a long torment it stopped and the feeling of extreme comfort returned to Chandu.


He felt like he is being born again.


All the impurities in his body are being expelled from body, mind and soul from the lowest level.


This process went on as Chandu slept washing away his exhaustion along with his filth and impurities.


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