Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 35: Money making


Chapter 35: Money making


Well he cannot withdraw all the money in a single ATM as the amount of money in it is very large.


With his hacking skills he can accurately know the amount of money in an ATM machine.


So he always coated the highest amount and withdraws the money.


The money in this world is also stabilised and unified all over the world.


In dungeon when killing monsters after their corpse has vanished leaving the rewards and in these rewards there is always some coins.


These coins are divided based on the value and the drop rate.


It starts with stone coin, wooden coin, iron coin, copper coin, silver coin, gold coin, mythril coin, Oricalcum coin, amethyst coin and crystal coin.


Well beyond gold coin are just speculations from the ancient records.


The gold coin is the current highest denomination and can only be obtained from the boss level monster of level 500 and above levels.


The specific information is currently unknown.


The division and conversion are done by the ancients that are related to gods of wealth which is generally accepted everywhere.


The upper level coin is equal to 100 lower level coins.


This means 1 wooden coin is equal to 100 stone coins.


This is the trend of the coins conversion.


The lowest is the stone coin and followed by wooden, iron, copper, silver, gold ...... in ascending order.


5 stone coins can be used to get a cup of tea or a small bun.


Well when Chandu was around these things were not mentioned as the transactions were done using the magic stones of various levels.


Now magic stones are considered as strategic resource that is vital to a country.


There is a conversion rate for coins and magic crystals, and monster cores too but that changes like the gold and oil prices in the modern times of earth.


Well other than magic crystals and monster cores there are also many previous metals like gold, silver, mythril........that can be converted for the corresponding value.


Well a gold coin and the same weight of piece of gold are not equal and if it is magic gold then there is some raise where the same piece of gold can be equal to many gold coins.


Well the people might want to forge the lower level coins using the normal stone and wood but there is strange magical thing.


Each coin was printed with a runic symbol and as long as they were placed near the fake coins, then those fake coins will shatter.


Also the coins cannot be destroyed by any means and wood coins cannot be burnt or silver coins cannot be melted.




After calculations all the transferred amount of money from those second generation rich people pooled with Henry’s money is only worth few copper coins.


Well a copper coin is equal to a million rupees back on earth.


So it is a large amount of money, however you look at it.


The ATM machines would not have that much amount of cash normally


Only a few iron and lower level coins are available.


But it is not a problem as there are at least 10 ATM machines and before the security department knows about this Chandu can easily empty the money that Henry possess.


Well normally it takes the debit card or some other things to get the money from the ATM machine.


But after being hacked by Chandu these requirements has changed.


Chandu took magic cipher of Henry and connected it to the ATM in front of him.


Then he withdrew the money from Henry’s account in various denominations that reaches the limit of the amount present in the machine.


There are people in the ATM centre that came to withdraw their own money.


But there is no security as the officials have faith in surveillance and their own network security.


If the ATM was damaged physically to the cash out then immediately the security will arrive within seconds from the nearby depot...


But for the robbery like what Chandu is doing is hard to find and there is no damage at all.


Also he did not steal the money of the banks but just withdraw from a single account and not multiple accounts.


Other than that his current face under the cloak is Henry’s face.


All in all the chance of catching Chandu is zero.


There are not even finger prints as he collected all the money into the storage space directly by touching the money sacks with a twig.


In the ATM machine when the money was withdrawn it will be neatly packed in a bag and come out of the collection point.


Also the weight of 100 stone coins or any other coins is same that is 100 grams.


The size will change to reduce the weight.


The packed money will be transparent and the weight is also accurately named and measured to get the amount of money.


So there is no chance of mistakes in the amount of money received.


Chandu sent the money packets into the storage space that was empty tight now.


But he still has a fake ring on his finger that looked like the ring on the finger of Henry.


This was bought by Chandu from the flea market.


The current storage devices are very rare and rarely any normal second generation people can have one.


Just the storage space ring of 1 cubic meter space costs around 1 silver coin or more which is equal to hundreds of millions rupees back on earth.




Chandu moved from one ATM to another and withdraw all the money from the account of Henry.


All of this only took 10 minutes of times as most of the time was spent on waiting for the machine to be free to use.


After getting the money Chandu went out and sold all the magic ciphers in his hand to a second hand dealer to get hands on cash straight away.


Well the amount of money for selling the phones is a little high so the second hand dealer sent some people to attack and steal the money in Chandu’s hands.........


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