Monday, August 29, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 63: don’t say that now


Chapter 63: don’t say that now


“Since the situation has reached this point I do not want to run away from the responsibility for what I did to you just now.”


Yuri did not stop sobbing listening to Chandu’s words.


“I am not saying these words to comfort you.


I said


I love you


Even though, it looked more like a threat than a proposing….”


Chandu forcibly moved his body to pull Yuri face to face and kissed her sweet cherry lips…


Only after that she stopped sobbing as he cheeks turned pink.


On the other side Radha became a little sad.


But unexpectedly Chandu pulled Radha up and gave her a kiss just like he did to Yuri and said.


Don’t feel sad, I can feel your feelings and I already said.


A part of my heart always loves you, and it will never change.


Consider this Yuri as your sister and you are my precious lovers.


Yuri was a little stiff after seeing the affection between the brother and sister.


Chandu looked at her confusion and said.


“She is not my real blood related sister.


Just like you I always loved her.


She is a beauty without any power to support.


She helped me in many ways disregarding her safety……..”


Two of you have a place in my heart and it cannot be changed or removed even if I die.


With his effort Chandu was able to move as he pulled both Radha and Yuri into his embrace and said.


At that time the attention of Yuri finally turned towards the bountiful boobs of Radha.


Comparing between them it is the difference between a flat ground and Mount Everest.


Chandu observed this and said.


“I was in a rush previously and did not taste your snow peaks.


Let me taste them now.”


After saying these words he pulled Yuri up and took a taste of her little snow peek making her moan a little.


The sound was soft and very great to hear.


“It tastes a little sweet and salty.


Let me take a taste of yours Radha.”


He proceeded to do the same to Radha and said


“It tastes the same a little sweet and salty.


What I heard about woman is true.


Women are made of sweet, salt and spices.


The previous heat should have made you sweat a lot.”


In response to Chandu’s words and actions the faces of Radha and Yuri turned bright red.


Chandu did not bother with that and took another bite at them and giving out some comments making them blush to the limit.


Finally he brought the atmosphere to the normal flow and spoke to Yuri.


“Since you are my woman now, you should know a little secret of mine.


I treat all of my women the same so what Radha knows about me you should also know.


But before I tell you the secret you have to take a oath just like Radha did.


This way I can save you when you are in danger or even if your body is destroyed.




Yuri did as Chandu said without any question


After which Chandu started to speak about his past life.


When Chandu’s identity is revealed Yuri was shocked.


She doesn’t know that her class mate Vicky is a reincarnation of Chandu the death taping strategist that suddenly disappeared 200 years ago.


Then she became angry because such a great strategist should know the effects of the fruit that they just ate.


But her anger subdued because things cannot change and in her current situation getting Chandu is actually a blessing for her.


Chandu noticed this and said.


“I do know a little about the effects of this kind of fruit but not completely sure of it.


Also revealing the information about the herb with my current status is very risky and it can cost my life along with you two.


Other than that I love you and this is the best opportunity to get you even though it may be forceful but this is all I can do in my situation.


I am not my past self and cannot face many things with my current power…..”


Chandu did not speak about the other identity about the contestant for the chaos natural god.


Well even he doesn’t know anything about the chaos natural god to tell others.


All the other gods have their own clans that support the clansmen and direct them in the path of their god’s power.


For Chandu he has to make his own path.




They are in that state for another hour finally before they were able to move a little.


But chandu did not want to let go of the two beauties in his arms.


He hugged them tightly and made them sit on either sides of his lap.


He continued to chat about various things and his future plans with the two woman.


They listened carefully, especially Yuri who wanted to say about her mysterious background.


But Chandu did not let her instead he said.


“I know you have a mysterious background and there must be something to do with some grievances or they have arranged a marriage for you…..


But do not worry I will take care of everything.


It is not the time for me to know about your background right now.


But I do want to know about your clan name and location, just in case if something unexpected happened.


The butler that you trusted the most is a good man.


I also found a snitch among your guards.


But I cannot dispose of them now because it will trigger few more problematic incidents.


So make sure that you keep safe from the guards that I name…..”


As they spoke Chandu found that she is from the Yamoto clan.


This is the clan that belongs to Japan on the original earth.


Based on the previous study Chandu found that the entirety of Asia was messed up and most of the locations of those countries were moved.


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