Monday, August 15, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 51: beast monster chaos zone


Chapter 51: beast monster chaos zone


He still has to take care of Radha so he has to move out quickly after adjusting some of these things.


All of this only took about 5 minutes from the start to the end.


Chandu arrived at the entrance of the level 1 of the chaos zone.


Every chaos zone has its own theme.


That is most of the monsters in it has a same genre or something like that.


For example there will be chaos zones that specifically have zombie type monsters of various levels in the entire chaos zone.


Those are called zombie chaos zones.


There are chaos zones that are filled with only beast type monsters called the beast chaos zone.


There are pre historic chaos zones filled with dinosaur type monsters, water chaos zones filled with water monsters and ghost chaos zones filled with ghosts….


The current chaos zone is filled with beast type creatures that are the most common chaos zone.


After an hour of waiting Radha finally came out looking exhausted but seems to be succeeded.


She looked around for Chandu in the crowd as there are many people here waiting for others.


Since it is the entrance there are no monsters here.


Only after going further will a person encounter monsters.


The first level of this chaos zone is very big and looked like a normal forest outside and even the surrounding environment is the same.


If there is no walls of the chaos zone at the visible edge people might think that they were not in a chaos zone but outside.


The entrance of the level 1 is not big but a cave like structure and the entire level 1 is circular in shape.


The entrance to the level 2 is on the other side which is also a cave.


Chandu was waiting to the side so Radha did not see him.


So she was still searching.


Just when Chandu wanted to go near Radha the pestering bug of a protagonist came over to Radha and was speaking something.


Radha only snorted and looked irritated.


On the other hand Henry also came over with his guide towards Radha.


Based on the current situation it is most likely an elevation shot for the protagonist Alex while slapping on the face of Henry.




The other way where protagonist Alex would be humiliated causing some major disturbance in the chaos zone after sometime that would be resolved by Alex and gains prestige.


Like this there are few scenarios.


Well Chandu don’t want the model of hero save the day kind of thing or the villain gets an evil ploy on Radha or other heroine right now.


So he moved step by step towards Radha while searching the surrounding area for any possible threats using the finder skill.


There are two threats here that can become potential problems for Chandu in the future.


First is the body guard or guide beside the villain Henry.


The second is the adventurer that is working for the cops that is tailing him and Radha.


Right now Chandu cannot attack either of them or even retaliate as they were protected by their own luck.


That does not mean he cannot do anything.


As long as they both fight with each other their luck would be preoccupied blocking each other.


At that time Chandu can act against them.


But he cannot just walk away without doing anything.


So he moved towards them with his finger tips coated with a little magic energy.


He is going to tap them and seal some of their powers.


But before that he used the finder skill to check the potential danger and the best possible way to solve the current situation and reach his target.


Chandu is not messing with anything but their reproductive system.


If they were ever excited by a woman then their magic energy over load on their hot rods making them feels that they would explode at any moment.


This is the punishment for looking at Radha with those eyes.


Chandu silently came behind them and touched their backs as if telling them to move aside and give way for him.


His target is not Alex but Henry and his body guard.


Because the sense of threat from them is more than that of Alex and their luck only protects their life but not their reproductive organs.


If Chandu wanted to do this to Alex then the problem would be even harder as the luck of protagonist will protect him from all kinds of attacks.


So the best way to solve this is by removing the problem of Henry and his body guard first and take refuge with the villain that cannot harm his girls.


After that, incite the villain Henry with various ideas to attack Alex to completely turn this into a war.


This way when bother of their money and power are scattered Chandu can become a fisherman to gain benefits.


With these thoughts chandu arrived behind Henry and his body guard.


Since there are many people here it was a little crowded so, Chandu can easily sneak behind the body guard of Henry that is a high level adventurer.


He gently tapped his hand on their backs to ask them to move and give way.


But this single tap is Chandu’s attack and it was already done.


Chandu pushed them to the side slowly and squeezed forward to Radha.


Radha looked at the coming Chandu with happiness as she did not have support right now.


Chandu came to her and stood with his back towards her facing Henry, Alex and the group.


The back of Chandu looked very reliable for her even without any words of comfort from Chandu.


“Vicky, listen to me.


All that happened in the past is my fault please forgive me.


Tell your sister Radha to forgive me…..”


Alex started to speak the words of apology but his expression and the light in the eyes are saying something different.


“Once you let me get near you, I will drug you and ravage her.



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