Monday, August 8, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 48: Level 0 profits


Chapter 48: Level 0 profits


This is also one of the businesses that happen every year where the rookie adventures that just awakened from students would heir some experienced adventurers to be their guide for entering and learning from the chaos zones based on their financial background.


The people with strong financial background will hire a veteran adventurer and the low family background people will form a group to hire a normal adventure with a little experience.


Chandu don’t want to hire anyone as he himself is a high level adventurer.


Well as they moved some people glanced at Radha that walking by the side of Chandu.


In away Radha is considered to be a top class beauty so there are many eyes looking at her.


When Chandu and Radha reached the area near the chaos zone entrance there are more students from the yesterday’s awakening and most of them are accompanied by their guides or patents acting as guides.


There is also Henry here that is accompanied by a strong looking adventurer who usually acts as his body guard.


Alex is also there to a side standing with the group of free guide social service by the government.


They were all waiting for their student verification and first time entering the chaos zone in a queue.


The level 0 is an independent level where each person has to pass independently.


It is like a tutorial or initial test.


Chandu already told Radha all the things that she should know about this little thing.


Well she also knows about that.


All those guides would enter the chaos zone and will wait for their respective people at the entrance of level 1.


They stood in the queue without bothering with the stares of other people especially Henry and Alex.


Chandu showed his student id and Radha showed her guild identification card.


Radha quit the school so she doesn’t have a student id.


They were permitted to enter.


The level 0 is a common test for all that is to fight against a chaos monster.


It can be anything like slime, a skeleton…..


But whatever it is it will be on the same level as the adventurer.


This is also a well known fact as there are people that would level up outside the town in the wild to become stronger.


They will reach level 10 or even level 100 before entering the chaos zone.


Well this is at a very rare chance and never happen in the history.


There are still people that entered at level 10 but above that have not happened.


No one knows what will happen if they enter level zero above level 10.


Chandu once read a record of a theory saying that the people above level 10 will not enter level 0 of the chaos zone and enter the level 1 directly.


Well there is no proof for this theory and Chandu believes it.


This is because the entrance test of level 0 is very harsh and might break the heart of the adventurer even if it did not kill them.


Yes even if a person did not succeed in clearing level 0 or died in the process they will not be killed in reality.


It is just that if they fail the level 0 they will lose some bonus rewards that people can get based on meeting some conditions.


At the same time if they fear the monsters and for their life then they might even quit being an adventurer all together.


This kind of case is common in the world, which is also the cause of the low number of adventurers and more number of ordinary people.




Chandu has already read many records of level 2 people entering the level 0 of the chaos zone and he explained the weak points of all these monsters that could appear in level 0 of the chaos zone to Radha.


He also gave her the spear with long range for attacking during their journey.


Now they were about to step into to the chaos zone Chandu wanted Radha to succeed.


There will be unexpected benefits based on the performance of the person in the level 0 chaos zone.


One might get a skill or a skill book, a raise in the stats, special equipment, potion, artifact……..


Everything is based on luck and the drop might be anything.


It is said that everything in the chaos zone is formed from the combination of the mental energy from the imagination of creatures and the chaos energy from the chaotic space outside the world.


Well this is just a record and no one knows what this chaotic space is or where it is.




Since it is their turn Chandu first let Radha enter and then he entered the chaos zone.


The entrance to the chaos zone is like the mouth of a cave which is same for all the chaos zones.


It was sealed by a very thick steel alloy door to stop the monsters from the chaos zone if there is an overflow that happens sometimes.


There is a small gate that is used to permit entry and exit for adventurers in normal times.


As for the big gate that was used for the army to enter where there is an over flow to trim the numbers of chaos monsters that might come outside suddenly from time to time.


This process is used so that the chaos zone successfully levels up with less leakage of the chaos energy forming an even higher level chaos zone.


After all the higher level is the chaos zone the higher level are the adventurers and the higher level is the income and prosperity of the city.


There is a black film like portal at the mouth of the chaos zone cave and every one that enters would be teleported directly to level 1.


If they are first time entering a chaos zone then they would be sent to level 0.


After clearing or not clearing level 0 in both cases they will be sent directly to the entrance of level 1………


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