Monday, September 19, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 78: Accident happened


Chapter 78: Accident happened


Chandu was exhausted so he lied down at a secluded place with the disguise of a beggar.


He silently monitored the location of the train as the time is ticking down.


He has harvested enough for that day and needed to take rest to digest the power that he absorbed.


Unlike yesterday the purity of the power that Chandu absorbed his very high at the same amount of power that he devoured yesterday.


Right then he saw the location of the train is stopped for a few seconds and the software started to dig into the information channels of the high speed train transport department.


All their communications were hacked and Chandu was able to listen to their conversation.


His anxiousness and fears were right on the spot.


The will of the world is trying its best to make the plot back on track.


It wanted to create an opportunity for the protagonist with the heroines again.


Chandu know that as long as the protagonist has his positive karma, this will happen indefinitely to support him.


Based on the conversation he eavesdropped on Chandu found that the high speed train was attacked by some monsters and delayed due to the clearing of that zone.


But Chandu will not believe that.


Most probably the train is derailed and they lost all communication.


After digging deeper on their secret messages Chandu found that his speculations were true.


It is already early in the morning.


Train has stopped at 1 hour journey which should be around 200 kilometers from the city.


Chandu immediately moved into action even though he is exhausted from all the work.


Currently there is no fuel like petrol, diesel….


The current fuel is the magic stones.


He has already retrieved his inheritance from the altar in front of the chaos zone of the moon city.


He has some vehicles placed in the storage ring that work on the liquidated magic stone and has the magic energy gathering formation that fills its fuel by itself.


It is duel type special vehicle.


As for going out of the city, it is very easy as eating and drinking for Chandu.


This is because this city belongs to him and the modification that are made are by him and not by other people.


He simply sneaked out of the city and moved along the high speed train track route tracing to the place where the accident happened.


He is currently riding a bike that has camouflage function.


Its fuel is already full so there is no problem for him to travel.


The terrine is not that good looking as the track was actually covered by the abnormally grown plants.


Chandu saw some strong poisonous animals on the way which shocked him a little.


He was clearly able to see the changes.


At most in another month the change that he is anticipating will occur concluding the evolution of the current earth.


All the true changes will be revealed then.




It did not take long for Chandu to reach the spot where the accident occurred.


The train has already derailed and the entire thing is in a mess.


The most problematic part here is the track and energy structure of the track is fine.


This means that the transportation authority will not find any problem from the city.


Only if they come here to investigate they will be able to find the real accident.


It was caused by tree vines that spread on the tracks.


Chandu immediately stored the bike and started to search for his women.


The time it took for Chandu to arrive here after finding about the accident is 1 hour.


Some of the passengers hit their heads because of the accident and most of them were injured.


The glasses and the main compartment were quite sturdy so the damage is very low.


Most of the passengers were ordinary people who have some minor injuries after the accident and have lost consciousness.


The adventurers also received some degree of damage and are currently conscious.


Chandu finally found the girls Radha and Yuri lost consciousness while Yuna and the butler were awake.


The entire thing looked good for the time being.


As for Chandu, he is currently invisible using his hide skill along with a camouflage body suit.


Because of these two complement each other he can hide himself even if there is a strong monster or adventurer.


The limit is around level 400.


If he used his finder skill to find the blind spots of the enemies then he can hide from any one that is below level 500.


Fortunately neither Yuna nor the butler is at level 500 or above and there are no monsters or chaos beasts that are over level 500 here.


He used the disguise skill to alter his appearance and voice.


Then he made his way to the door of the rail car.


He fished out a token from his storage space that has a special insignia and pattern with a magic formation.


As soon as he produced this the door of the rail car opened.


For this high speed train there are three ways to open the door,


First is for the driver to open the door when they reached the destination station.


Second is to break open with brute force.


Third is to use the military command token of the same level of the minister or general or higher ranking person present in the country.


The token that Chandu took out is the secret special force commander token that is on the same level as the chief of the royal guards and general.


So the door opened without a problem.


Chandu went in with his appearance disguised as a person wearing the special force officer’s dress.


He came to the woman and asked in a slight hoarse voice.


“Are you Radha, Yuri, Yuna?”


Yuna who is conscious looked at Chandu with vigilance when he appeared out of the train door and opened it with a token……….


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