Monday, September 19, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 76: a grand plan


Chapter 76: a grand plan


Well Chandu also wanted this.


Because the terrified people will always makes mistakes that will be the flaws that he wanted.


He can easily move through those cracks and get what he wanted.


There is another thing that those cops were banging their heads to the walls for.


The reason is loads of cash and other materials were being vanished from the banks in the purged areas.


This caused discord between the cops and criminals.


Because of this heavy loss of money the city was in high alert as all the entry and exit passages were sealed off by the current city lord.


The current city lord is literally shaking with fear while his pants were wet many times due to fear.


The reason for this is if the thing was came into the eyes of the public and a protest is started then there is a chance that the crime world created in this city will be right in front of the eyes of the emperor.


As long as the things were in the dark it is not a problem what they did.


But if it was in the bright then there will be massive undercurrents and the military might be sent here to take charge.


With that all of their wealth that they accumulated over the years will be gone to the military wing that is shooting daggers at the business men and politicians (Ministers and lords).


Many times the military budget was tight over the years because most of it was eaten by those ministers and city lords with various excuses over the years.


This will cause an inevitable turmoil to all the powers in this city and the entire country.


With that Chandu’s goal will be easily achieved.


When there is panic then Chandu can start his game.




Chandu was such a great strategist 200 years ago.


Will he just come out alone?


Won't he have his own force in the empire?


Of course he has his own force.


But he is very doubtful if that force is still under his control or not.


Well he can always try and contact them after that give them signals that he previously prepared from the shadows.


With his clear command token and signals there will be no one that would question him.


This is because these things can only be used by him.


But he has to go to his previous residence which is also the city lord’s residence to activate some things to start giving out the signals.


Well the current situation has not developed to the point of him activating these things.


He will start after 3 days of time.


In the mean time he will squeeze out the potential of those criminals that he could.


But just when he was ready to move out Chandu received a call from Yuna.


“Hello, Mister Vikram”


“Hello, yes Miss Yuna


Did something happen you contacted me suddenly?”


“Yes, for some reason I was transferred to the moon city main police station.”


Chandu was taken aback by the sudden news.


He knows that there is going to be some major changes soon which might cause a heavy destruction.


This means that some cities will face massive assault from chaos monsters or some natural disasters.


Since heroine was said to move from there suddenly then there is a possibility that other heroines and protagonist will also move to this moon city.


The villain Henry is already here.


Chandu immediately felt that some bells are ringing.


Previously when Chandu and Mohini proposed to each other he received another windfall of negative karma points in large quantities.


Now, both the protagonist and the villain are in the same level with around 80 karma points.


With their current Karma points they can still maintain their luck.


It is most probably that their luck is acting in protection towards them.


This also means that Yuri will also be moving here right about now.


As for Alex the protagonist will be moving here too.


Chandu has a little headache.


Because these things are variables and luck they carry is the biggest variable of them all.


This luck can very well damage or foil his plans completely.


So he has to make some adjustments to his current plan.


“Oh, yes then bring Radha along with you to this city.


I will book the tickets for you too.”


“No need I have money and in can book the tickets for the normal transport.


All I want to tell you is the news of my transfer and ask what I should do with your sister.”


Chandu did not think that Yuna is cold instead she was a warm person.


Most probably some of the incidents in the past have made her like this to put on the cold front.


“Well at least I will look for some good houses for us to stay.


I hope you don’t feel offended if I get information of a good house for you and us.


It will be incontinent to settle here quickly with all the work right.”

“Okay you can look for a house for me there.


The requirements are……”

She spoke the requirements for her house which made Chandu sweat a little because it is complicated than the plan he made.


Chandu simply accepted it.


But he immediately thought.


If they are taking a normal transportation then Alex will be with them.


If there is a sudden change or problem then Alex will save them and the entire plot of hero saving the lady model.


At least their hatred will become less and some bonds will be formed improving his luck.


Chandu know that he cannot interfere much with the things that are moving along with the story plot that is decided by the world.


But he can do something to at least help his heroines.


So he immediately used the hacking skills to connect to the surveillance systems of the new moon city.


He wanted to observe the current situation of Alex.


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