Monday, September 12, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 74: super life saving reality clone skill



Chapter 74: super life saving reality clone skill


But in the current realm or at their current state they were restricted make up to 9 clones only.


The specialty of these clones is that they can replace the real person if the real person was dead.


Not just normal replacing but all the levels and everything that the real body is carrying using skills or techniques will be transferred to the clone making it a real body.


This means having this skill is no short of having 9 lives.


But it is not that easy.


To produce one reality clone one has to be at least at level 100 and the second clone requires the user to be at level 200.


For the nine clones one has to be at level 900 or above.


Other than that this can also produce normal clones that are just use and throw type that would disappear after they were attacked to deplete their HP or their time limit is over.




This is a great ability which Chandu requires right now.


It can help him in many ways.


It is already evening and Mohini has to go back so as to not to cause suspicion of her husband.


Since Chandu is alright she wanted to go.


But right then Chandu pulled her arm, pulling her into his embrace and said.


“Previously I did not know your true intentions and even after your ancestor spoke to me I still did not believe you much.


But when I am integrating with the chaos equipment and was in a condition where I am in a critical condition, you did not attack me.


Instead the panic and fear in your eye and the concern that you have for me are genuine.


You see the eye of chaos can see the true nature of a person.


I know that your concern is not towards the chaos eye instead towards my wellbeing.


With this all my previous suspicion is now gone.


I will not abandon a person that slows their love for me.


You might not be loyal to me because of your cultivation reasons but id will now change the fact that you are a close person to me.


I don’t know if your ancestor is the lover of the previous lord of twilight.


But I like you because of your feelings towards me and your concern towards me.


So I have decided to make you my lover.


I cannot change my ways for taking in my wives but it did not matter if you are my lover.


Also I might have many wives or women but you are my only lover and I have decided on this with my heart.


Mohini and Rose both are you combined as one person.


I love you Mohini and Rose……”

As Chandu spoke, he gave her, a very deep passionate kiss to Mohini.


Mohini did not resist Chandu at all.


It is not like she did that in the form of lust but it is in the form of love.


Can’t a bitch have a true love?


Of course if they were to meet a person that is truly loves them then the things will be different.


Mohini and Rose spoke at the same time with little teary eyes.


“I love you too Chandu.”


Then they shared another passionate kiss.


(It might be a little old fashioned but you all know what happens when one finally gets something that they wanted for a long time even at the cost of their life.)


After they parted Chandu said.


“I will go collect some good things and there are some things I should tell you.


Well will meet again later…”


He said some words and left leaving Mohini and Rose in daze thinking about Chandu’s proposal.


Well it is lame but a love proposal is still a love proposal that has ones heart in it.


Chandu returned back to the hotel where he previously left the aura plate.


After retrieving it he made some minor tweaking to it making the formation work again.


This time it will not show his aura instead it will hide it.


Since the desired effect is reverse to the previous formation, the previously used or changed items will work as raw materials for the new formation.


After making these things Chandu started to move to the next area based on the mapping of the magic software.


The number of corrupted people has reached an astonishing level.


Also the kinds of atrocities that these people did made Chandu wanted to throw them in half boiling oil from time to time while piercing them with needles without letting them die a peaceful quick death.


Since he is only at level 10 he cannot do much in his punishing process.


Chandu don’t mind the corrupted people.


For that matter he might even encourage them.


But there are bottom lines to his principles too.


If he find the people that crossed his bottom line, it doesn’t matter if he was involved in the incident or not but he will definitely act.


He is not a hero but a person that follows his own set of rules.


His killing spree that night covered a 10 percent of the city and the people he killed include people of various professions including thugs, cops, doctors, teachers….


The devour skill worked nonstop till it was morning.


Many banks have their vaults filled with cash and precious materials were now empty.


But the news of this did not spread.


The reason is two things.


Most of the people that know of the incident are dead or in the hospital because of their coma state.


The people died were punished by Chandu while the people in coma were somewhat good so they were spared from death.


Second is that the information was totally blocked by Chandu.


The places he visited were filled with a special medicinal fragrant that has the capabilities to put a person under level 200 in deep sleep state irrespective of the race…….


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