Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 23: strategic officer


Chapter 23: strategic officer


Chandu don't know what to say but he was sure that there will be endless wars and turbulence in the coming times.


Chandu has to become stronger and should do it faster.


There is one more thing he found out from the knowledge that he learnt today that is related to languages.


English is considered as the lowest language which contains 5 harmless runes letters and sounds.


That is the reason why this language was spread throughout the world and even a beggar can learn and speak English.




Then the matters related to the city.


This is a tier 4 city which is considered as a mid ranged city.


The level of a city is decided by the number of walls that it possesses.


 The highest level is a level 10 city.


The first wall is constructed around 1 kilometre from the centre of the city, and then the second wall is constructed 2 kilometres radius around the first wall.


Like that the walls are constructed.


For safety of the king and officials, only high ranking people were permitted to stay in the first and the second ring.


Third ring has military and business.....


This is common for all the cities and from then on it was based on the model of improvement of the city lord or the king.




That day there is no other change as Chandu learnt and rested for the night.


On the next day Chandu was summoned to the city lord’s office and this was good news.


The emergency message communication was successful and they received a reply.


What chandu said is completely true and from the information the king was able to get the basic understanding of the current situation.


They also formed a combined map of the two earths and formed a single piece where Chandu marked all the nearby cities for them.


The king accepted Chandu’s knowledge and in return he offered citizenship of this country and also the post of the strategic officer.


The enemies of Chandu were considered as the worst enemies and criminals in this country from now on.


Also they accepted to take the refugees from Chandu’s earth without any criminal records.


They were given citizenship based on their records, conduct and some tests.


They are going to arrange an emergency meeting and they wanted to summon Chandu to the capital immediately.


They are going to send a military personal that has rapid movement speed to this city to bring back Chandu to the capital.


Finally all the cities were issued an emergency order to prepare for any disaster and war emergency.


They were also ordered to connect to the nearby high level or low level city with a safe route.


The clearing the monster beasts was ordered and an order to take all available mercenaries into the military wing for emergency measures.




Like this the orders were given and Chandu was happy to get the strategic officer post.


Even though it looked rather normal but a strategic officer has the same level of the city lord based on the military ranks that Chandu learnt yesterday.


The reason why chandu was given this post and citizenship is because of a few reasons.


The first reason is his analysis on the current situation was accurate,


The second reason is that his future prediction was also accurate as they saw that there are 4 suns in the sky today.


This means there is merging of 4 or even more planets now.


The third reason is the calm and collective nature and loyalty that chandu showed to a soldier has won some marks.


The fourth reason is that Chandu has the mapping a mapping ability that has some specialities which is unique and rare.


There is no one in this kingdom that has this ability.


Just the benefits that Chandu can bring them with this ability to find rare resources and the surveillance of enemies was enough for Chandu to be considered a walking treasure map.


So both the military and the business wings approved Chandu and his loyalty won the hearts of the judiciary side too.


The king loved his calmness and bravery.


With all these things combined Chandu received the current benefits.




The personal that should pick up Chandu will arrive in a week.


The city lord was overjoyed by the message that he received.


For finding a person like Chandu, he will definitely be rewarded.


Well in this turbulent times having more support and power are a food thing.


So he has decided to make a few good connections with Chandu.


Unlike the city lords with their own city army, the strategic officer will work under a general or the king’s royal guards in the capital.


So the influence that they hold is much higher than that of normal city lords of the same level.


Well it is a question if Chandu will be able to reach out the top of the court politics and gain some power.


Whatever it might be gaining some good favour is always a good thing.


Other than that Chandu is a non combat type with more usage value.


So the chance of Chandu dying for the court politics is very less.




That after noon the city lord invited Chandu for a lunch.


In the king’s orders one of them stated that Chandu was to be sent to the altar to worship a god to join a clan.


Chandu did not understand what that meant so the king explained....


Every city has a special place called the chaos zone.


Some calls it dungeon and some calls it labyrinth.


There are many kinds of chaos zones with different number of layers or floors.


The one in the capital has 100 floors and the one in our city has around 40 floors.


These places are where the chaos monsters origin.


The chaos monsters in the chaos zones will not leave corpses instead they will drop some things like monster cores, bones, meat....


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