Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 15: high city walls of Agarat city


Chapter 15: high city walls of Agarat city


Chandu took out the sword that he got from the scout leader and used the finder skill for every few steps with different questions for a distance of 8 kilometers when he finally reached the open grass planes.


But the grass weeds were around the height of the waist of an adult person.


On the way here Chandu has a small harvest of magical herbs and materials along with some small monster like rats, rabbits….


He killed them and stored then in the storage in a big basket that he prepared previously.


At this point he did not move any further and just waited there for the time being.


His target is the other scout party that has a good team leader.


Chandu can just say that he was escaping by road and on the way he saw some people riding horses on from this direction so he moved in the opposite direction following the trail of the horses.


Then he reached this place.


He waited there for another hour as it was the after noon time Chandu took out some food that did not release smell much and ate it.


When it was around 3: 00 PM in the noon he heard the horses galloping sound.


He did some stretches and small exercise that made him sweat a lot for a few minutes and then he started to run towards the direction of the Agarat city.


He has already changed his dress to look dirty as if he has faced many dangers on the way.


Chandu has specifically prepared this kind of dress and there are also monster scratch marks that he made using the wolf nails on his dress and on his body.


He did not heal them much only the blood flow is stopped.


After running for 100 meters he saw a group of people galloping on their horses towards the city.


“Help me….hey….help me”


Chandu yelled.


When he was noticed by someone he finally fell on the ground naturally as if he lost his consciousness.


The people from the other scouting party came to Chandu and picked him up.


They spoke in their local language that is unknown to Chandu.


He doesn’t know what they are talking about.


For the first time he thought that he should have an auto translator skill which is more useful to him.


He was sure that he will find one someday or he might be able to obtain it through hard work.


Someone took him on his horse and they moved toward the city.


Soon Chandu acted as if he woke up from the unconscious state.


This is his first time entering such a fantasy like place and he don’t want to Miss the first view of the city of Agarat.


He has seen the image of the entrance of the city from the memories of the scout leader but he wanted to see it with his own eyes.


Well the scene is really marvelous as there is a huge wall that was 10 meters high and a tall gate that is made of metal.


It felt like he has travelled to the ancient times where there are only castles and cities with huge walls.


At the same time he came back to his acting.


“Where is this place?”


Chandu spoke in local language that these people from Agarat cannot understand.


 This time Chandu saw that there are some people along with the scouts that seem to be from Chandu’s world.


They understood him and answered them in English.


Then the scout team leader finally spoke in English.


“Are you okay?


What happened to you?”


Chandu looked confused and said.


“I am from an orphanage from a nearby town.


Suddenly an earth quake happened and every one died.


I was fortunate enough to be outside doing a part time job and just returned.


Before I even entered the compound the entire building collapsed.


There is a thick fog and all the people died started to move like zombies.


I received a heavy headache and received a skill called mapping.


I was scared of those zombies and ran out of the town using a bicycle.


On the way here I met a wolf pack that has a wolf of the size of a bull.


 Fortunately I was able to spot an herb using the mapping skill that repel the dogs and rubbed it on my skin.


This let me escape but one of it chased me and scared me.


Along the way I encountered some people galloping on horses.


The single wolf that is chasing me was terrified and ran back into the forest.


But I did not see any horses coming in my direction.


They seem to move near me causing the wolf to scare away.


I searched around a little and found the marks of the horses and travelled by following them here………….”


Chandu said the words of his story with both truth and lies.


The people believed what Chandu said.


But the confusing part is that Chandu saw a wolf that is the size of a bull.


They did not believe it as they did not encounter such a thing.


They stopped at the city gate and Chandu was given some first aid for his injuries.


The people that came with the scouting group are from nearby village around his town.


So what Chandu said about the orphanage has matched with their knowledge making Chandu’s words more credible.


They asked Chandu about the scouting party that came towards his town but Chandu was unable to tell as he said that he ran in the midnight and early morning.


So the chances of Chandu meeting them are slim.


It is possible that they have crossed each other but were separated by the suddenly grown trees or something.


They have decided that they would wait for the day and if they did not come back by tomorrow then the scouting party that saved Chandu would check this issue.


Now the important part…..


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