Saturday, June 4, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 2: faith and favor


Chapter 2: faith and favor


“At 00: 11 AM, Priya will enter a skill obtaining state where she will lose her senses for 3 minutes just like the host.


Host can use these three minutes to get an advantage making you a bad person in her eyes.




Host can help look after her with an excuse saying that you came because of her sudden shout gaining her favor through care.


You can obtain a change to lose your first time to this woman…….”


One of the things that caught Chandu’s attention that is she is going to get skill like Chandu.


What is happening here?


Because of the doubt he posed another question.


“What skill that warden Priya is going to obtain?”


Immediately Chandu got the reply.


“Unable to find”


Chandu started to feel something is wrong.


Since there are skills then the times in the future is really turbulent.


He has to find companions in order to survive.


With these thoughts he made a decision to first capture the heart of the warden Priya as he know that she will have an skill.


He immediately moved out of the hall where many orphans are in deep sleep.


This is the male orphan’s room and the other side is female orphan’s room.


Well it is a hall rather than a room.


There are no females in the orphanage as they all are taken by the government officials to women’s special orphanage.


Well Chandu did not believe that but he cannot make a difference any way.


Before leaving the hall he slowly moved to see if there is another person that has a chance to awaken skill using the finder skill.


He found none in the total of 7 excluding Chandu in the room.


Most of them are 18 years old and only one of them is 16 years old.


Chandu posed a question asking if these people can help him in the troubled times in the coming future.


But the reply he received is that they will betray him.


Especially that 16 years old kid was said to cause trouble for Chandu instead of helping.


After clarifying his doubts Chandu came out of the hall and waited in front of warden Priya’s room.


The room is not locked as the lock was already broken.


This was only known by Chandu as he previously heard her complaints of warden Priya.


“When is the right time for me to enter the room or warden Priya to obtain her faith and favor?”


Chandu asked standing right in front of the warden’s door.


“In 4 minutes, host can enter the room to get advantage of her loss of senses.”


“In 6 minutes, host can enter the room to get the faith and a chance of getting her favor that host wants.”


Then Chandu started to understand the skill that he obtained waiting for the next 6 minutes.


Chandu is not a scum to take advantage of a girl that was unconscious even if she is a call girl he respects women.


While looking at the information he found that the range will improve every time he level up or evolve or improve his spirit essence and mind essence.


There are four things he found interested in


The first is the level up that means is it a game?


The second thing is to evolve that means is it some sort of survival thing to reach a higher species.




The third and fourth things are mind and spirit essence which he did not understand at all.


‘I am a science student how do you want me to believe in souls and ghosts…..’


But when everything is related to another two words apocalypse and skills then everything makes sense.


This means this is not the end of the world but something different like leveling up or evolution.


There is a chance to survive even in the apocalypse.


Then he found another good thing that all the findings will be recorded by the skill and can be reviewed again.


Finally the finder skill has its own sense of time and can tell time to Chandu whenever he wanted to find out.


There are some other specialties but they were locked at the moment.


Chandu immediately activated the remainder for the 6 minutes to go into the warden’s room.


While he is thinking of various uses of the skill the remainder came from the skill.


He also heard some sounds just a minute ago.


He immediately unlocked the door and entered.


Right on the bed warden Priya was lying down with her face facing up with sparse clothes and a revealing night gown.


She just opened her eyes looking a little puzzled when the door opened abruptly.


Chandu saw her everything as she was pleasuring herself previously.


Chandu acted as if he did not see anything and said.


“Are you okay?


I heard your shout from some pain so I came to check if everything is all right…….”


Chandu started to shoot his mouth showing his care for her.


Chandu’s sleeping place is right behind the wall where her bed is.


The thought that Chandu might have listened to her moans has made her a little embarrassed.


Chandu’s eyes did not show any lust which made her have a good impression on him.


She has been a warden for around 3 years and in these three years she did not get to pleasure her body with a man.


Because of the apocalypse and her age, she knows that she will have to pleasure herself without getting a man.


Looking at Chandu she suddenly remembered that he was on the list where he will turn 18 years and will be sent out of the orphanage.


That is on the very same day.


While Chandu is speaking she was thinking of these things and she also remembered the information in her head.


She was sure that something will happen and her chance of survival will be very less if the real chaos broke out……….

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