Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 12: scout group’s accident


Chapter 12: scout group’s accident


Other than that the underground of the town seems to be brewing something very nasty and dangerous.


The air around the town is becoming more and dirtier, that is filled with corpse, blood and other smells that was nauseating to take a breath.


In the final analysis Chandu should leave this place as soon as possible and it would be better if there is someone that can point direction to a shelter or safe house.




This leads us to the current situation as Chandu started to move before the horses of those scouts galloped towards the city of Agarat that those scouts spoke of.


He has enough water and food for survival.


He has guns and the skills that can help him in any situation.


Before starting he asked the finder skill to find the best direction to move forward.


The finder skill replied towards the north east, that is diagonally to the road and Chandu know that this road would bend towards north east direction.


Most probably something will happen to these scouts then.


Chandu moved towards that direction with all his might without looking back.


The bent should be 10 kilometers away.


It might not look like it but Chandu has an athletic body and the good thing is he has a gears cycle that can move in bumpy places.


He got this accidentally when he passed by a rich house to kill some undead.


After moving away from those people he took out the cycle from the storage and moved at a faster speed.


After leveling up and reaching level 1 he seems to have improved in most of the features of body, mind and soul.


Well some things did not change but he really felt stronger and his running speed increased by a little and his body felt a little light.


The cycle moved faster and faster.


There are still breakages when there are many trees branches and roots that protruded out of the soil.


There is also those rocks and loose sand area that required some control.


All in all Chandu was able to ride the cycle faster and he was sure to reach the 10 kilometers mark within half an hour to 40 minutes of time.


On the way Chandu heard the galloping sound from the horses from behind on the diagonal direction.


He immediately stopped and hid in a thicket of trees to observe.


Even though he was far away he was able to spot the people by the sound of those horses galloping.


Based on his calculation he has crossed around 5 kilometers.


After the galloping sound moved to the front he started to move while asking the finder skill which direction is most profitable right now.


He followed the instructions of the finder skill to the step moving according to it.


When he reached the area around the road bend, he heard some noises.


“Kill that wolf.”


“My hands are full”




“Help me…ahaaa”


Chandu heard these sounds of struggle and death from ahead.


He did not rush forward instead moved slowly following the directions of the finder skill and at the same time he held a monster core to recover his spent energy.


Soon he climbed on to a tree and saw the scene in front of him.


There is a pack of wolves that are of the size of a bull attacking those scouts.


The horses they rode here ran away and the women they bought from the refugee were already dead being used as human meat shield.


Some of the wolves died and there are only few men left and there is one extra wolf than men……


“When the hell are these monster wolves became so big….Ahaaaa”


Chandu was hiding and listening to their shouts and words analyzing the data.


He found that the wolves that these people encountered are called monster wolves and they should not be this big.


The first thing is these people faced these kinds of wolves before frequently.


The second thing is these people are not from earth because Chandu never saw a wolf pack coming right beside his town or having this kind people nearby.


The third thing is that even though these people are accustomed to fighting wolf packs and other monsters, they were also surprised by their sudden growth in size.


The fourth thing is that they are using swords and other cold weapons to fight.


The fifth thing is that these cold weapons seem to be enhanced using some power called magic energy.


This magic energy should be the same mental energy that Chandu is using for his skill.


The sixth thing is that the gun that the head of the scouts had is also a magic gun that has magically enhanced bullets.


But it is a revolver and there are only 6 bullets in it.


The seventh thing is that he was only able to kill one wolf after emptying all the bullets he has without having the time to reload.


This means that the skin of these wolf monsters have become stronger than they usually face.




Like this Chandu summarized all of the information.


Now he doubt if he was able to kill these wolves even with the shot gun in his hands.


He did not see the firing of the magic gun and he has to examine the corpse of that wolf that died because of the shots of the magic gun.


At that moment the fight have moved forward leaving only corpses on the road.


Those people are trying to escape towards their town called Agarat while sending some distress signals using flares.


They were also fighting those wolves as they run.


Making sure that they are far away and checking with the finder skill for danger, Chandu moved towards the corpses.


He was surprised to find that the two girls that are his classmates are not dead yet.


But they will not live long as their bodies were badly mutilated and they only have few breaths of life left.


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