Monday, October 10, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 89: 2 tier 10 magic crystals


Chapter 89: 2 tier 10 magic crystals


This extended passage is also made of layers of stone which looked like some space ship is docking and connecting passage way.


When the two ends are connected it revealed a passage with a ladder into the strong room from the floor of the cold storage.


When they are connected Chandu jumped down easily and slit using the ladder as the support.


Just after that the passage way closed in the cold storage room but the connection is not lost yet.


Chandu has to return in the same direction back.


In the room there is lights made of special luminescence crystals and there are hundreds of formations placed around at various sizes.


This formation is called as Sri Chakra formation.


It is a special gathering and concentrating formation that has 9 steps of concentration.


This formation is foreign to most of the countries and they don't even know that such a formation actually exist.


This is a formation from the previous earth.


The previous planet earth might not have magic with them but they have a deep knowledge on many things that are not present in the other integrated earths.


Most of this knowledge was scattered around the Asian countries especially that special subcontinent with the oldest history by planetary time calculations.


By normal carbon dating method of western people the civilization only happened in the past 3000 years but based on the internal detailed calculation of time it can be counted to millions of years.


Well there are many holes in it but their knowledge was prevailing in various forms in the previous modern days of earth.


Like the acupuncture and the Chinese medicine which were originally taught to them by a monk called Bodhidharma also known as Dámó by those people.


Well it is not Bodhidharma that made these formations but his teachers and far ancient people and ancestral sages.


Most probably these ancestral sages should be from before the earth’s evolution process beginning.


That is when the earth is still complete and intact instead of that small sphere without magic.


Well whatever it is that knowledge is currently in Chandu’s hands after a long struggle of gathering information.


This Sri chakra is a special formation that can be used to gather specific things that one wanted and concentrate them to the purest level.


Chandu has established 108 Sri Chakras connected to each other in 108 positions forming a giant Sri chakra.


Their purpose is to gather and concentrate magic energy at the top most Sri chakra.


Here the energy will be concentrated and enters an isolation capsule so that the energy is not leaked out.


If the energy is leaked out then it will alert the people outside which will ruin Chandu’s plans.


The room itself is not isolated.


The entire design of the room is like a huge blooming lotus shining with golden rays and thick fog of magic energy.


This was the magic energy that was attracted here from the surrounding chaos zones towards this city over the past 200 years.


Chandu cannot just on them to get the isolation capsule to get the magic crystals.


So there is a mechanism that can switch to the next isolation capsule on the top of Sri Chakra to collect the magic crystals.


With the mechanism on Chandu got his hand on a heavy isolation capsule.


Chandu just extended his sense to find out the contents in the isolation capsule after confirming his ownership of the capsule using his blood verification.


He was shocked to find that there are 2 neatly arranged pure white crystals in circular shape.


After a little check Chandu found that they were all tier 10 crystals.


That is right they are high purity tier 10 crystals that are made artificially.


One can simply say that Chandu was really lucky.


It took him over 200 years to form 2 tier 10 magic crystals that are possibly not available in the entire continent.


With these crystals Chandu will have more than enough to work out on all of his plans.


Right now the communication purpose of Chandu requires quite a bit of energy.


There is also some small scale teleportation formation that needed to be operated.


All of these require energy and Chandu has it now.


Not small amount but an amount that is more than enough for him to do hundreds of short distance and short volume small scale teleportation.


Chandu just let the magic gathering and concentration formation work as usual after collecting the things he wanted.


Chandu immediately left the city lord’s mansion and returned to the hotel where Yuna, Radha, Yuri are waiting for him.


Chandu’s clone has already completed his task and the things were delivered to him before it vanished.


After checking the report Chandu found that there are no problems for the mansion arranged for Yuri.


First after returning to the hotel Chandu asked Yuna, Yuri, Radha and Yuri’s butler in his room’s hall to give them an explaination.


So he simply told them some things related to the rapid growth of the plants and monster strength in the area.


After that he gave some simple explanation that he was recruited by some high level military officer and with his help he got some confidential information.


It is found that after a month or so the connection between the cities will be severed and they have to re-establish the travel routes with the help of the army.


There may be a chance that those small scale cities would be raided by the monster tides that would form after a month.


They have formed some special operation teams to transfer most of the personal to the main cities during this month along with the wealth.


After the stabilisation after the impending disaster the rescue operations and protective measures will be taken.


What Chandu said is that same as the information that Yuri’s butler got from their family.


So, he immediately believed what Chandu said and was even a little grateful towards Chandu because he understands that Chandu is caring for his mistress..........


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