Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 23: strategic officer


Chapter 23: strategic officer


Chandu don't know what to say but he was sure that there will be endless wars and turbulence in the coming times.


Chandu has to become stronger and should do it faster.


There is one more thing he found out from the knowledge that he learnt today that is related to languages.


English is considered as the lowest language which contains 5 harmless runes letters and sounds.


That is the reason why this language was spread throughout the world and even a beggar can learn and speak English.




Then the matters related to the city.


This is a tier 4 city which is considered as a mid ranged city.


The level of a city is decided by the number of walls that it possesses.


 The highest level is a level 10 city.


The first wall is constructed around 1 kilometre from the centre of the city, and then the second wall is constructed 2 kilometres radius around the first wall.


Like that the walls are constructed.


For safety of the king and officials, only high ranking people were permitted to stay in the first and the second ring.


Third ring has military and business.....


This is common for all the cities and from then on it was based on the model of improvement of the city lord or the king.




That day there is no other change as Chandu learnt and rested for the night.


On the next day Chandu was summoned to the city lord’s office and this was good news.


The emergency message communication was successful and they received a reply.


What chandu said is completely true and from the information the king was able to get the basic understanding of the current situation.


They also formed a combined map of the two earths and formed a single piece where Chandu marked all the nearby cities for them.


The king accepted Chandu’s knowledge and in return he offered citizenship of this country and also the post of the strategic officer.


The enemies of Chandu were considered as the worst enemies and criminals in this country from now on.


Also they accepted to take the refugees from Chandu’s earth without any criminal records.


They were given citizenship based on their records, conduct and some tests.


They are going to arrange an emergency meeting and they wanted to summon Chandu to the capital immediately.


They are going to send a military personal that has rapid movement speed to this city to bring back Chandu to the capital.


Finally all the cities were issued an emergency order to prepare for any disaster and war emergency.


They were also ordered to connect to the nearby high level or low level city with a safe route.


The clearing the monster beasts was ordered and an order to take all available mercenaries into the military wing for emergency measures.




Like this the orders were given and Chandu was happy to get the strategic officer post.


Even though it looked rather normal but a strategic officer has the same level of the city lord based on the military ranks that Chandu learnt yesterday.


The reason why chandu was given this post and citizenship is because of a few reasons.


The first reason is his analysis on the current situation was accurate,


The second reason is that his future prediction was also accurate as they saw that there are 4 suns in the sky today.


This means there is merging of 4 or even more planets now.


The third reason is the calm and collective nature and loyalty that chandu showed to a soldier has won some marks.


The fourth reason is that Chandu has the mapping a mapping ability that has some specialities which is unique and rare.


There is no one in this kingdom that has this ability.


Just the benefits that Chandu can bring them with this ability to find rare resources and the surveillance of enemies was enough for Chandu to be considered a walking treasure map.


So both the military and the business wings approved Chandu and his loyalty won the hearts of the judiciary side too.


The king loved his calmness and bravery.


With all these things combined Chandu received the current benefits.




The personal that should pick up Chandu will arrive in a week.


The city lord was overjoyed by the message that he received.


For finding a person like Chandu, he will definitely be rewarded.


Well in this turbulent times having more support and power are a food thing.


So he has decided to make a few good connections with Chandu.


Unlike the city lords with their own city army, the strategic officer will work under a general or the king’s royal guards in the capital.


So the influence that they hold is much higher than that of normal city lords of the same level.


Well it is a question if Chandu will be able to reach out the top of the court politics and gain some power.


Whatever it might be gaining some good favour is always a good thing.


Other than that Chandu is a non combat type with more usage value.


So the chance of Chandu dying for the court politics is very less.




That after noon the city lord invited Chandu for a lunch.


In the king’s orders one of them stated that Chandu was to be sent to the altar to worship a god to join a clan.


Chandu did not understand what that meant so the king explained....


Every city has a special place called the chaos zone.


Some calls it dungeon and some calls it labyrinth.


There are many kinds of chaos zones with different number of layers or floors.


The one in the capital has 100 floors and the one in our city has around 40 floors.


These places are where the chaos monsters origin.


The chaos monsters in the chaos zones will not leave corpses instead they will drop some things like monster cores, bones, meat....


The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 22: new planet details


Chapter 22: new planet details


Simply put what Chandu said and did in the life and death situation when fighting the wolves has made them happy.


The entire thing along with the knowledge and the name of the enemies of Chandu were all listed in the emergency message transmission.


They immediately sent it to their king.


The city lord along with the officials and magistrate were also consented for this information and verified it as true.


As for sending the names and details of Chandu’s enemies are because even they were disgusted by the people that sell out their own men.


If these people were to survive the disaster then they should be eliminated even if that person is knowledgeable.


Traitors should not be encouraged, especially in this military type country.


As for the conditions that Chandu asked for, needed to be waited because they need the kings approval in this kind of situation.


But Chandu earned their respect and they called Chandu to their tactical room to analyse the current situation.


They know that age is not the important thing as there are things that would change when a person is exposed to the extreme things and survived.


Chandu is one such person and was still able to analyse the situation even if it seems like the end of the world is coming.


Also Chandu did not forget to protect the dead scout team member, instead of disregarding it as just a corpse.


Other than that Chandu did not run away when those people are fighting.


Instead he did everything he could help them.




The treatment given to these refugees has improved a little.


Well there are people that hated Chandu but they were silent.


These people are like the scout team that first came to Chandu’s town and were wiped out by those wolves.


These people are Chandu’s targets.


Right now he possesses shape shifting skill and hiding skill that others don't know.


He can just move around the town find the place where there are useful things and get them when he has the time.


At that moment he remembered that he can use a large scale search using the monster cores he has on hand.


He doesn’t know the current conversion rate for monster cores to range of search.


When he was told to rest in the same hall as before.


That is in the central office at the centre of the city, Chandu started to activate the skill finder.


At the same time map skill was also activated automatically.


It will record all the locations and instructions that were found by the finder skill.


Within the sensible range Chandu can even have live movement updates of the targets using the map skill.


Chandu took out the lowest level monster core that he has and used it to check the improvement of the range.


The range was only increased by few centimetres after that monster core turned to dust.


This improvement is only for one time usage and cannot improve the range permanently for Chandu.


Because of this reason Chandu postponed his plan temporarily.


He is going to use it when he was able to move freely around the city.


In the mean time he asked the people for some basic knowledge related to their country and their planet.


Since Chandu was sincere in providing the knowledge they also took Chandu and the refugees to tell them about the basic details.




To summarise all of the knowledge related that Chandu got.


This city of Agarat is one of the medium sized city that is situated near to a border are of another country.


The city of Agarat belongs to the country called Magadha.


In their earth there are 5 main countries and many small countries.


They having a country filled with magical creatures called the beast land country.


There is a country that belongs to the demons called the demon country.


There is a country that hates and prohibits both demons and magic creatures called the radiance country that is rules by the radiance god temple.


This radiance god temple country is a place where all kinds of atrocities were happening in the name of god.


The entire country is corrupted more than that of the demon country and on the surface all is fine.


Also in this country if any person found to be worshiping another god or there is a magical creature or demon or even if there is a slight blood relation are considered as hectic.


These people were punished and the light punishment is banishment from the country and the harsh punishment is an extreme torture.


But because of the considerable power of the higher level people this country is getting by.


There are many small countries that follow this country as the leader.


Because of that all these countries prohibit any and all people related to magical creatures or magical creatures are pets and worst servants- s**ves.


The country that Chandu is in was a military that did not have any prejudice towards any other race.


They only hate people from the radiance god temple country and some of the people in the demon country.




Chandu found all these things and he can see many similarities between the countries.


These countries are no different from earth and some of them are even following the rules of the medieval age rules.


The most problematic thing is that this magic has blinded some of these people causing the growth to stagnate.


Chandu analysed many things and formulated that if there are other planets that is earths merging then the probability of having the extremities is also high.


The extremities are like high level magic based country or high level science based country or a mixed country with high level technology that induced the magic into their technology.


Chandu don't know what to say but he was sure that there will be endless wars and turbulence in the coming times.


Chandu has to become stronger and should do it faster.....

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 21: trust and sincerity


Chapter 21: trust and sincerity


When they are just about 5 kilometers away from the city they met with a wolf pack that has around 10 wolves.


There are more wolves this time and the scout party will not be able to fight of these wolves with their strength.


So the best option is to flee as quickly as possible towards the city of Agarat.


Chandu wanted to let out some profane words to ease his stress but the situation did not even give that much of time.


The scout team leader first shot a flare into the sky using the flare gun that he has.


The previous scout team also has this flare gun but they did not shoot the flare for some reason that Chandu don’t know.


Right now that flare gun is in his storage.


After shooting the glare gun, the scout team leader immediately threw some beast repellent smoke bombs behind the group.


Then they went on a mad flee towards the city while shooting two more flares on the way.


Fortunately they were very close to the city and the second flare was noticed by the scout post of the city wall.


They immediately dispatched a team of monster hunters towards the direction of the scout team’s flare.


The scout team was almost surrounded by the wolves and some of the members of the scout team started to fight the wolves.


At that moment the monster hunting team arrived and the fight went on.


They did not gave Chandu any weapons so he can only threw rocks or branches of the trees to fight.


But Chandu don’t want to fight as these monster wolves are far stronger than he can fight.


For this reason he can only wait and find an opportunity to steal the monster cores.


He did not have anything to poke the monster wolves.


Chandu moved around slowly and sneakily using his hiding skill so that the people would not notice or remember what he is doing.


He made his way to the corpses of the monster wolves and used the finder skill with a question on how to steal the monster cores without anyone noticing him.


The idea given by the finder skill is the same as before when he poked the zombie corpses to get the monster cores using the iron rod.


But this time he is not using an iron rod instead he is going to use the wooden stick to poke the already existing hole or wound of the monster wolf corpse to get the monster core.


Well this way he cannot get the monster cores of all the wolves.


One of the scout team members died when fighting.


Chandu used that as the opportunity to scavenge the sword from the dead scout member for self defence.


Then he tried his best to defend the corpse of the dead scout member from the wolf that wanted to take a bite and escape.


Well this is not an instruction from the finder skill but Chandu’s own judgement.


He wanted to use this opportunity to get a solid foundation of trust.


He observed and deduced from the information that he got from the city of Agarat that these people values military moral.


The person that fights and dies in the battle is much valued than a person that serves the god in a temple.


So what Chandu did right now have high value and the scout team that first came to Chandu’s town and killed all those people are the worst.


Well all kinds of people are mixed in when the power to rule depends on the strength and military contributions.


All in all what Chandu did was a good thing that gains him trust and value.


The team finally killed the wolves and sat on the spot seems to be exhausted.


They don't want to stay there in the bloody smell that can attract other monster.


So they quickly packed up the available materials and an intact wolf corpse to take back to the city for some research.


The monster hunter team used a variety of attack patterns and weapons ranging from sword, gauntlets, and even guns....


The entire job was done very quickly and Chandu was the only extra who don't know what to do.


Chandu helped carry the dead scout team member which was appreciated by the other members.


Soon after that they made their way to the city.


There is an emergency meeting again in the outer hall near the city walls.


City lord and most of the officials were present.


The first thing they did was to pay respects to their dead man scout team member.


Then their attention was drawn to the bull sized monster wolf corpse.


They were shocked to find that even the monsters have evolved.


The problem has become bigger and the point here is what Chandu said is actually true and then they moved on to see the books that Chandu brought back.


These books contain the details related to science and research at the professor level starting from student level.


Chandu slowly explained the details of the books he brought.


Even though he is only a high school student, it is not difficult to explain about a few things from the basics.


The researchers here were able to understand the concept and the depth of the technology that the people from earth reached.


They confirmed that what Chandu said is true and the knowledge that Chandu brought back was at least 20 to 30 years advanced from their core technology.


This is especially true towards the weapons and communication.


At the same time they understood the problem with the construction of buildings that did not have magic circles and runes.


This made the buildings vulnerable to the heavy earthquakes causing the destruction of the buildings on Chandu’s earth.


They also concluded that the theory of their planets merging by Chandu was also true....


Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 20: skill books, chaos zones



Chapter 20: skill books, chaos zones


The undead seems to be normal as there is no change in them.


Chandu started to ask the question is there a life threat in any direction around me to the finder skill.


Chandu found that one direction there is a chance of death.


But that can be just ahead or it can be thousands of miles in that direction.


Chandu sighed and started to lead the team of scouts towards the direction of the library where many books are present.


All the digitalized information is now gone because of the strong electromagnetic waves.


Right now there are only books and they are the only source of knowledge.


As for how knowledge was stored in Agarat city and that Magadha country, Chandu don’t know about that for now


Chandu was going to get them some books that are usually studied from schooling to university.


Books mostly related to mechanical engineering and civil engineering that has practical use in this chaotic world.


On the way to library Chandu saw some undead that can move faster than the ones that he killed previously.


Chandu know that the scouting team is good at information collection and fleeing.


They are not good with combat.


That is the reason why a small wolf pack of 5 to 6 wolves was able to kill the scouting party within a few minutes.


So Chandu cannot trust these people to protect him.


It is not like they will flee leaving him behind.


Instead he feels that they are not strong enough to withstand the attack of many undead.


The members of the scouting party killed the undead with their swords and did not bother to collect the cores.


It is more like they think that there are no cores in them.


It is hard to ride the horse here so they were walking while the horses were following them along.


Library is nearly at the centre of the town but it did not take long.


On the way Chandu used an iron rod to pierce the heads of the undead killed by these people to collect the monster cores.


Well he did not collect them directly.


As long as there is a medium to pass his magic energy he can simply send them to the storage space.


Well it is not possible with air or psychic abilities but in the future Chandu might be able to do that.


As long as he thrust the sharp edge of the iron rod into the head of the undead where the monster core is present based on the finder and mapping skills.


With that Chandu was able to collect the monster cores.


They soon came to the library where the collapsed building and the mess of the scattered books from the iron racks came into visibility.


Chandu know that it would take a while to get all of them.


So he used the finder skill to quickly point out the locations where the books that he wanted for them are present.


At the same time Chandu looked around to see if any book among these books has turned into something called skill book.


While on the way Chandu chatted with the people of the scouting party and found that there are books called skill books that are formed because of the concentrated knowledge by a great mind and exposed to high amount of magic energy.


They are not monster drop items and when Chandu asked this they looked at Chandu strangely


After thinking something they finally spoke.


Some of the intelligent monsters that live in specific places have the habit of collecting these rare treasures and magical things.


After killing those monsters people can search the place they lived to get some unexpected bonuses.


Other than that there are two kinds of monster that are normal monsters like humans they can live evolve and fight like humans.


The prime examples for them are beast men, Orcs, cobalts………..


The other type is from the wild chaos zones that are formed in the forests, deserts and other places.


These monsters are called chaos monsters and these monsters can actually leave some things when killed.


It is like a few seconds after they were killed their body turned into dust leaving its parts, core and some other things rarely.


The details related to this are commonly know to all the people.


There is a controlled chaos zone in the city where people were sent to train inside…..


They looked at Chandu in confusion when he asked all of this and finally they understood that the place Chandu was in did not have any of these things to begin with.


They are happy to tell Chandu about many things, but Chandu understood that most of the things are related to commonsense of their earth.


They did not reveal any confidential or important information.


The team leader laughed it off saying that he will get to know from the higher officials after the mission


Chandu also laughed it off so that they would not notice anything out of order.


Chandu also frequently checked the mindsets of the team members around him to know their motives using the finder skill.


Chandu was disappointed to find that no book like that is formed here.


Well he cannot just ask for everything.


Along with the books he also brought the maps and other things helping the scouting team packing these things on the horse back.


It was already after noon by the time they got the things they wanted and they decide to have some food out of the town.


The town has the smells of undead and the smell of the rotting corpses.


They cannot bare it and eat the food there.


So they left the place and decided to return to the city first.


This is because Chandu insisted that there might be a monster beast attack if they stay there as his intuition was almost right.


When they are just about 5 kilometers away from the city they met with a wolf pack that has around 10 wolves…..

The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 19: secret missing scout team


Chapter 19: secret missing scout team


Well there are some other processes but these are the main things that is followed throughout the country.


One thing is certain that unless one was able to get his hands on a treasure herb or some miracle, one can only develop slowly like this step by step.


The earth cannot give experience for free.




Chandu accepted the mission and there is a look of determination in his eyes.


He knows the only rule of the world, that is


“The survival of the fittest”


No matter what this rule cannot be changed or over written.


He has to be strong, wise and lucky to be able to survive in this world.


For that he has enough real life experience of the dark world to learn about the basics of survival.


So there is no fear of going back there in his eyes instead what he was expecting is his rewards after coming back.


Chandu don’t know how to raid a horse so he was asked to raid along the back of another person like they did yesterday.


They set out on those colorful horses.


Chandu did not expect that these horses to be so fast.


Within a half an hour they were already at the site where the wolves attacked.


Before reaching there they were able to see the bicycle that Chandu seems to have left before.


Then they reached the site where the battle happened.


They stopped there looking at the signs of the battle and found the half eaten corpses of the team of scouts.


The most disturbing thing is that their weapons are missing.


The team that came with Chandu now became cautious and observed the surroundings.


They know that it was done by a wolf pack but there is not even a single body of the wolf and most of the bodies of the scouts were shredded or half eaten.


There are signs that it was done by someone but there are also signs that this was done by the monsters.


Since they were unable to come to the correct conclusion they can only leave this place as it is.


Then they moved forward towards the town.


This is the place where Chandu has to be careful.


This is because he has shown his face to some people when collecting the food and other things after the apocalypse.


If they were to speak about that then everything that Chandu said would became lie and air.


Well Chandu did not have to fear as he can change his facial features a little to make it so that those people would not recognize him.


Also he believes that there will be no more survivors in the town and is filled with the undead.


The reason is quite simple as the trees and even the forest has grown to an extent that most of the road was already covered.


All of this happened in just one night after Chandu passed by here.


This means how many beast type monsters should be roaming in the town where the survivors are.


Also it can be said that those undead might as well be evolved further and killed even more people.


With these thoughts Chandu along with the scout team arrived just outside the city where there should be a tent yesterday.


Now there is no tent here instead it looked like it was shredded by swords and there are some corpses here that looked like they were killed by sword slashes.


The scout team leader frowned looking at the sword slashes on the corpses.


Chandu know that these people were alright yesterday and he understood that these people were killed with the previous scout team.


They only took the girls and killed all these men and even children.


This shows that how cruel those people are.


Chandu got off the horse and observed a little and commented.


“Leader Kabir I don’t think that these wounds were caused by internal conflict.


Out town or country prohibit the weapons from citizens so there should not be any present in the town.


Even if there are some it is not possible to cause this level of harm form home made weapons.


It looked like a sword slash that was done by an experienced person…..


Also these people were ruthless as to even kill children and for some reason there is not even a single woman corpse here….


This means….”


As Chandu commented the members of the scout team and their leader felt ashamed and guilty.


The reason is not that they cannot deduce what Chandu did but the reason is that they know who would do things like this.


The other scout team that visited this town yesterday did this and took the women to have fun on the way.


But an accident occurred where they were attacked by a pack of wolves.


Taking the chance one of the woman might have harmed the members of the scout team using their own swords.


However exaggerated it might look but this seems to be the most possible explanation for the cause of the missing scout team.


They felt guilty and embarrassed because they cannot say that this was done by their own men.


This might cause a grudge to form in the mind of Chandu that would cause a disaster to their country.


Thinking of this the scout team leader changed the topic saying that they should get the knowledge that chandu spoke of.


Chandu was sad inside that he did not kill those scout party members with his own hands for killing little children.


But he was happy that they were killed by those wolves.


Chandu did not make too many scars on their bodies and not on all of them.


He covered it so that he can cover that they were robbed of them cores.


Chandu moved away with the team as he doesn’t want to be with these corpses.


The undead seems to be normal as there is no change in them………


The Chaotic Era of Evolution Chapter 18: mission for trust


Chapter 18: mission for trust


This gave them some basic understanding of knowledge that Chandu spoke off and they told Chandu that they should discuss some more details before accepting his conditions and telling their final verdict.


Chandu was sent back to the waiting room.


As soon as he left the questioning room the entire room was boiled with heated discussion related to Chandu.


They were deeply touched by what Chandu said and he was loyal to people rather than a country.


Then the skill that Chandu possesses is also wonderful as they never recorded this kind of skill before.


They don’t know if what Chandu said is true or a lie but whatever the case is he seems to be a person with good values.


The military wing, business wing and magistrates were in positive to Chandu’s conditions as all he said made sense and has value.


The city lord and his family were thinking how to react to this and finally the city lord spoke to calm down the commotion.


“We have to test him before deciding on how to respond to his conditions.


Also what he said make sense as many worlds seems to be merging into one.


If that is the case we will have many enemies and some strong ones at that.


There is also an issue with the sudden evolution of those monsters.


We have to immediately contact the king and the ministry council to convey the important details.


Tell the magic communication division to contact the capital through the emergency channel using that we are going to use a consumable information sender through emergency channel.”


The consumable information sender is a magic device that can fill one’s thoughts into it and sent it straight to the king if they find something that can threaten the country might happen.


But the risk is that if the information if flawed or there are problems then the city lord will be stripped off his position and will be severely punished.


So they have to verify thoroughly before sending this emergency message.


After the decision was made they continued to question the other refugees and there isn’t much information but some of it verified what Chandu said.


But these people were unable to see the big picture and were talking nonsense.


The refugees were asked to wait the night at the allotted hall separated for men and women.


They said that they will be taking decision tomorrow morning.


Chandu and the men that were brought were told to sleep in a hall as they were provided with some blankets.


This is the same for the woman too.


In the morning next day the scouting party that went to Chandu’s town did not return.


So for the investigation the other scout team was called and they were going to assign two things.


First is the investigation about the missing scout team and


The second is to get the knowledge that Chandu spoke of while taking him along for directions.


Based on the success of the mission and the amount of knowledge that Chandu was able to bring them would determine the acceptance of the conditions.


These people were also trying to prepare the special emergency communication straight to their capital.


That morning Chandu was called and informed about these things.


Chandu has already expected things to go in this direction.


So he has already made some preparations in advance so that his story is true to what he previously said.


Chandu acted a little sad and immediately accepted the mission given to him.


He don’t know that this world did not just turn into a chaos but similar to that of the game world.


So even doing a mission that is given to a person can let a person improve their experience and rise up the level.


That is doing simple things that would influence the flow of the world based on the will of the world has the effects of getting experience and improve the level.


This is same for both good and bad things.


There might be someone that wanted to burn down a town or a village killing all the people in it.


Completing that also gives experience and levels up people that partake in that mission.


The thing here is that the will of the world wanted to create a ghost town or a protagonist back story to improve its potential for the next evolution.


The world can evolve after improving the potential candidates of the next level living in it.


That is the same for earth that is trying to evolve right now.


So what earth needs now are high level candidates.


For that all the things done on earth that can potentially improve a person’s level or a whole group of people leveling up would be useful to that.


So every task, choice, construction, destruction…….everything that has a potential future was considered quests of the world and will be rewarded.


This is the only way for earth to improve the potential of a person right now.




All of this was not known by Chandu or any one present on earth.


They all thought that killing monsters would let them level up,


Some thought that absorbing the magic stones and monster cores will level up and called it cultivation,


Some thought that following the path like doing a specified job will level up,




Like this there are hundreds of different modes of leveling up and each has its own procedure or model


The country that Chandu is in believes that absorbing magic stones and killing those monsters will level up and become stronger.


As for absorbing monster cores they thought that the energy in the monster cores is contaminated magic energy which is harmful to them.


It might cause them to go berserk and turn into a monster.


So they use these monster cores for power generation and other purposes while use the magic stones to absorb energy to level up.


Well there are some other processes but these are the main things…